Sunday, December 6, 2009

Gut Feeling

Going by the set precedent, it’s been long since the Geek has spoken, or rather typed. It’s been a year that’s seen more churning of emotions than the worst of diarrhoeic fits, and has ironically ended in a state of constipation. Being used to having more to say than the average Appa Rao, I found myself knotted and tongue-tied to even answer the most routine of greetings with a Hi. But, as Lefty pointed out during his return to R, one’s inner Lit-wit may die down but never die, and thus returns this jobless git, with further generous helpings from the five-course meal that shall be my time in R.

A few days ago, I officially completed two and a half academic years here- exactly half my tenure. Unfortunate as it was to have been crowned by a semester characterised by academic bulimia, I celebrated it by missing all meals through a 12-hour sleep-a-thon. I’m yet to ruminate about the complete ramifications of that milestone, if I am to call it one. When I come to think of it, sadly, I can’t seem to imagine not using the likes of awesome or fokiaap in every other sentence. It’s hard to believe these are the same sentences that once used to end with an almost primal ra. To the chagrin of many from school and junior college, I’ve changed beyond comprehension, and, yet, I see myself as the same babbling-gabbling geek from Honolulu still producing doggerel at a rate that’ll make multiplying dogs reel. I’ve fallen in love with people who’re not right, argued with rotten dogs, seen rapsters who’ll make rappers weep, chiggy-wiggied with true dudes, sang along with domineering bluestockings, experienced true L.O.V.E, chitty-chitty bang-banged phlegmatically, and, in general, grabbed many a byte from the geek wi-fi. One sentence may make it seem I’ve done so much, and I’m only halfway through in this journey to find the Ultimate Question. But, as the starters have been nibbled and the first bits gobbled up, the main course beckons, and I hope I have the capability to digest whatever else is to come my way. Bon appétit!


Anunaya Jha said...

You know.. why do I sense a wee bit of skepticism here?
You are on our way to glory 'ra'.. enjoy the journey! :)

Shrey said...

I didn't know you were dual degree.
And fell in love with people who are not right? You should use the 'sour grapes' disclaimer dela so tactfully inserted.
As for the times at R, enjoy and endure. May the wifi be with you.

Murty said...

@ Anunya

No meal is ever perfect without that bit of all tastes, right?

@ Bang-Bang

What's not right is left. I maintain that's my second and last love on campus; the first being the grand old lady that's the Main Building.

Saagar said...

12 hours hardly counts as a sleep-a-thon, ra. It's normal sleeping hours for some people. Sleep-a-thon doesn't start before you hit 20 hours.

Anirudh Arun said...

@ Lefty,

That's C talking, da.

@ Murtha,

Quite a starter you have had! And forget the two words you mentioned, what happened to '\|||_'?

On a rather sad note, we may soon have to classify you as north-haddus and south-haddus...

Murty said...

@ Lefty

After four night-outs in a row for inconsequential exams, even 6 hours would've been a sleep-a-thon for me.

@ Kondrews

Kauwagiri is bigger than us, Kondy. Much bigger than you and I and everyone else.
And, no, you kind-of got your geography wrong. I'm almost as North Andhra as one can get. The division's on a regional basis, not geographical.