Let me clear a few things now.
Yes, I'm a Shahrukh Khan, and I cried when I saw Kal Ho Naa Ho even for the fourth time.
Yes, I can't pronounce French words correctly and think it's very stupid to write so many letters when you don't ever want to utter them in the first place, just because it sounds good. And, yes, I especially hate that when desis do that.
Yes, I haven't read anything ever penned, drawn or imagined by J.R.R. Tolkien, and I admit I've slept each of the three times I've tried reading his tomes after the first fifty pages.
Yes, my favourite Harry Potter book isn't The Prisoner of Azkaban. It's the Goblet of Fire, closely followed by the fifth and sixth installments.
Yes, I used to use chat lingo before, and I dumped it for good because I realised it was no good. And, no, I don't believe that's hypocrisy.
Yes, I don't always speak in my mother tongue with the family. You want to make up for me?
Yes, I haven't seen either of the Star Wars or the Star Trek series, or books, or comics, or cartoons, or towels, handkerchiefs and bedsheets and what-not they've made out of them, and am in no hurry to, too.
Yes, I have an impulse to know everything that happens around me- be it in the newspapers, on the computer screen, or when I'm sitting at Nescafe sipping my coffee. Some people are just curious to know things around them, and in some cases, make sense out of them.
Yes, I talk a lot and have no qualms about it.
Lastly, if you have a problem with any of this, bask in the glory that you're superior and/or more enlightened than yours truly and sleep on your Yoda-bedizened bedspread with peace, safe in the knowledge that the force is with you. Ride your high horse with glee; I don't mind walking alone.
More importantly, smile to yourself and for that you'd need to shut up.
P.S.- The title's a song by Simple Plan I used to like. I still do.
1 year ago
I slept in LoTR 1 & 2 and never could conjure courage to watch the third. I also slept through the first Star Wars movie I watched. My favourite Harry Potter is the sixth. So I guess we agree on the 'fantasy' side. I beg to differ on the rest.
If you fear being ostracized, remember it's only the nerds you are offending :P
My favorite HP installment is definitely the sixth one but I am no Shahrukh Khan who slept with JRR and I don't speak french because i don't know how to use SMS language..
was this initially meant to be a confession post?
My take on each of the points, to be taken with a pinch of salt, of course:
1. Mooooor-taaaa. SRK over Aamir? I thought you were made of sterner stuff?
2. True. And English has the same problems as far as extra letters go. Not all languages have a script as brilliant has Hindi.
3. You have watched the movies I hope? I didn't watch them for 4 years because I wanted to read the books first. Word of advice- The beginning of the first book is really really boring. But trust me, once you get over all that, it's worth it.
4 and 5. Cool
6. Nooooooooooooooo
7. Me too. But not to that great an extent I guess.
8. Don't we all know that? But that is your endearing trait, or at least one of them, dear boy.
9. No problem, just watch Star Wars.
Most importantly, why the sudden outburst? And why no reference to any 'her' if it had to be an outburst?
Oh, I missed the HP point after 3.
My fav is PoA, GoF and DH.
OoP sucked, da.
Star Trek xi is too awesome not to see. Since it is the only Star Trek movie I've seen with Spock and Kirk as lead characters, I guess it outweighs the less awesome last two movies 10 times to one. Excellent storyline, great depiction of Spock, and one of the most moving first five minutes I've ever seen.
PoA rocks, as does LOTR. And I have a hard time determining what my mother tongue is, especially as me dad always had me pegged for an NRI.....
You'll never walk alone! :)
And do watch Star Wars, it's worth it :P
Whatever called for such an outburst! :P
"They laughed at me because I am different, I laughed at them cuz they were all the same! "
An unnecessary outburst. Just go and read LOTR, its the best work of literature ever and obviously worth the effort. As Lefty said, the beginning is very dull, the awesomeness grows exponentially after that.
As for Harry Potter, Deathly Hallows is my favourite. And I am the only person I know who likes the 7th one the most.
Its important never to lose touch with your culture. I talk to my parents only in Malayalam, and remember, I live in Delhi.
As for Star Wars, stop cribbing and go watch it! Now that you remind me of the awesomeness, I shall revisit the whole saga at the earliest opportunity.
Phew, Murtha. Do not ever shut up.
I remember you once mentioned something about all of us being capable of penning one piece that will eventually overshadow everything else that we write- a magnum opus, if you like. I suspect this might be your 'one'. Sheer class.
Yay SRK! Beats Aamir anyday.
OoP???!! Really?
And ditto on the star trek, star wars thing... i knew i wasn't the only one. :)
I shall proudly ask you to sit on my horse if I see you walking alone.
Neither have I seen Star trek nor have i read LoTR.
But i don't think that matters.Atleast not to me.And as i can see i am not alone.
As as for HP5,i read it while i was sick and the only thing i did was to lie down in the bed for a week or so.For that i am fond of it more than the rest.But Hp6 is a good choice.
As for loneliness,company lies just a phone call away.
BTW was this the reason why for the first time I saw you not in your trademark huge smile and chattery self the other day?
You wonder if there's one thing you can do right, one place where you aren't a misfit, one show you can put up with, and you're brought to 1984. Welcome to the ironically named R-land.
I simply adore this post! Just because of its sheer simplicity AND a strong connect with my convictions too!
Yay Murty! You made me proud! :)
just for the record, I speak to sis in p-language. as in, "Dopon shapag ipis dapyiping fopor sepeptepembeper topo gepet opoveper. Wapake mippy upup whepen sepeptepembeper epends." Its been a habbit as a child. :P
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