As stupid as this may sound, I actually love following my Orkut fortune widget on the Home page. And, after a series of Google Easter Eggs, like 'The man who reads your fortune is on vacation. Try visiting someone's profile instead', my cookie suggested two days ago, 'Now is the time to try something new'. Frustrated as I was with my ever-the-same poor preparation for the end-sems, the want for some good news made me trash the usually-interesting cookie, and go renew my affair with Minesweeper, which, I may inform you, is one of the most brilliant games of all time!
Late into the night, though, the Orkut Home page somehow wandered back into my mind and I decided it really was time for trying something new- but not momentarily. Instead, I wanted to start a tradition- one that would stand for some time to come, and one that people, even if they only were a handful, would remember and associate me with. And, as I smiled to myself waiting for the time to come when I would begin this not-so-grand exercise, my scatterbrain took over again and I found myself thinking about the Fantasy Premier League while trying to remember the features of some strange-looking w(h)att-meters...
The best part about exam-time is that my mind always happens to cook up wonderfully pleasant theories about which pair of socks would go with my sweater, without contrasting too much with my sandals. The sad part is I'm not supposed to do so with the sword of Damocles hanging precariously over my head.
The best part about winter is that I sleep like a log, and dreams are longer, and more enjoyable, and, most importantly, more remnant, in this season. The sad part is the insti happens to schedule exams at the same time, and your slot happens to be the 9 a.m. one.
It's been a pleasing week thus far, the best being today when I happened to meet a very old friend, who now is 12 time-zones away, on Facebook and nostalgia has been the only thing in my mind, since then. I love Facebook, by the way. I joined a month or so ago, and I love wasting time on the dumb movie quizzes. But, Orkut is my first love...
My exams start tomorrow, and, I haven't forgotten, dear reader, of the tradition I spoke of at the beginning of this post. From today, I shall post on the eve of every set of exams I write at the insti. That means 21 more, at least. That way you'll have a post to look forward to before every time you feel jobless before that sham begins. Oops, I almost forgot- I've got non-insti readers, too. Or, at least, I'm trying to get some. So, that guarantees three posts every 6 months. That'll mean I can, if I stick to this tradition, get close to two-and-half score posts on this webpage by the time I graduate- or pass out, as popular usage would go!
I guess I'll get back to studying, now, before I make it more exams than scheduled to post before! So long, patient reader! Good night, and wish me good luck!
P.S.- Dela, I do love Lefty, I'd like to remind, assuming you are getting a sense of deja vu.
1 week ago
Hmm....No electives, right? I enjoyed my first exam. Long time since I gave a subjective maths paper and phodoed it. Anyway, all the best. You'll be having more epiphanies over the next few exams. We all do.
P.S. I joined facebook way back in 2006. Then I deleted the account for lack of activity. You'll find me there, crouched up somewhere. Apparently, they do not delete your account from the server.
what freaking coincidence....both post a blog almost simultaneously!
@ Raps
I do have an elective- but our Prof being Dean (UGS) could afford to shift it to Monday to accommodate the 'repeaters', as he likes to call them!
@ Sushi
Yeah, us both having given up, I guess!
Our exams are over
But you guys study hard.
@ Lefty
Screw you, da!
And, as irritating as it may sound, didn't you notice something?
Yeah I was wondering if you would allude to that.
I love you too, da.
Hmmm, I wonder, in the short span of 4 years, how many guys I've said that to?
Takes nothing away from the earlier statement, though.
@ Lefty again.
Not that ra, babu! I was referring to something else... Let it pass; nothing special.
Good that I shall at least have something better to read than seemingly meaningful combinations of 0s and 1s before the exams.
Although I don't have a couple but it does stink : You probably have a spelling mistake in the first line of your Disclaimer P.S. Caught my eye somehow.('mislead').
I refreshed the page several times before writing this but it apparently stayed that way.
@ Mr. Khanna
Hmmm... True it is. Astute observation. Apologies for the error, gratitude for pointing it out. But, for a hint of nostalgia, and as a memoir for years to come, when no more people will visit this page and it will remain like a vortex in the vast space that is the World Wide Web (or Web 2.0, whichever exists then... whenever 'then' is), I'll not correct it, and it will remind you, if you ever think of this slimy green page that you had corrected it.
@ Myself
The previous comment could've been at least 30 words shorter. Point, as always, not duly noted.
1. Facebook pwns Orkut. Your love life is screwed.
2. You were supposed to post everyday right.
@ Shreyas Thambi
1. Dunno. It's a matter of perception, you see. And, yes, Lefty loves too many guys...
2. No, I wasn't. I made it very clear.
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